Wednesday, 27 January 2010

New Name! & Update

---> NEW NAME! Ok, so the old name was really lame, right? I couldn't think of a name I wanted, or the ones I did come up with had already been taken, hence lame-name. But now I've used a line from one of my favorite Against Me! songs, seems relevant because the songs about staleness and conformity in the music business, but a broad reading could relate it to any artistic institution with profit making arms. So, you know, I think it fits. And it sounds cool.

Also I'm abandoning the rating system, just seems kinda irrelevant plus I'm not fond of justifying to myself why I've only given something nine out of ten even if I really loved it and can't find anything fundamentally wrong with it.

Post and updates should be a little less sporadic, particularly as I'm considering more inclusions of random updates, like this one, as well as standard reviews. Well this blogs really just for 'writing practice' for myself anyway so I guess anything goes.

Anyways, much love! Thanks for reading, accidentally or otherwise.

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